Where to Find Us?


London Finance Hub
34 Ashwood Avenue Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3LS

Business hours:

Mon – Fri 9:00 – 18:00
Weekends Closed

Phone number:

Tel: 020 3884 9665
Mob: 07519 104 462

Get In Touch

We do not charge for pre-application consultation and are flexible to offer initial consultation via remote web sessions or just over the phone. Please do not hesitate to call us and discuss your circumstance with our fully qualified and experienced adviser. If we cannot help you straight away, we will come back to you or aim to put you in right direction to help you find your answer.

Please note, information given to us will be treated in strict confidential manner, for further details on our privacy policy, please refer to URL https://www.openwork.uk.com/legal/privacy-and-cookies to read our data protection policy.

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